Saturday, January 12, 2013


How happy am I that Livingston is getting a chance to meet his GaGa and share that sweet love? I can't even describe how happy it makes me! GaGa is so special and dear to my heart, so many sweet memories especially from my spending every Saturday night with MawMaw and GaGa growing up.
What most people know GaGa for is his amazingly beautiful voice. It is like none other and always pitch perfect. He can and will make a song out of anything ( guess mom gets it honestly :)) He is always singing and tapping along on something.
Livingston definitely has a love of music and loves his GaGas voice. When he hears him singing he stops what he's doing and looks to find him. GaGa is the best playmate because he always sings and makes fun noises all the time! What more could a baby ask for!?
Not only do I cherish all of my wonderful memories with GaGa but now even more I cherish my sweet angel baby boy getting to share that sweet GaGa love.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Lots of loving

It's been forever since I've posted on here! Mainly because of our new sweet precious baby boy! He definitely keeps me busy and on my toes, but I would have it no other way. Most things have gone to the wayside because I have learned that playing with him & teaching him all about this world is so much more important than other things.
  We have been so very blessed with such a sweet, healthy & very happy baby boy! He goes from sound asleep in the morning to eyes wide open just jabbering and smiling away. From then on it's smiles, giggles & jibber jabbering all day! He loves to talk to everyone and flash that sweet smile.
 We are all having so much fun, he definitely makes each of our days.
 Of course between us and his wonderful fun grandparents he is rotten to the core but that is how it is supposed to be!
 I'm going to try & keep this better updated, even if it's just a post of pictures! So everyone can keep up with our growing family & busy fun times :)

Here is a quick catch me up from day 1 until today! Wow how the time has flown!!

Smiling from the beginning!

Had my heart from the first second I laid eyes on him!

Friday, October 21, 2011

It's Boot Season!!

I absolutely love fall! Not only because of the amazing weather & beautiful fall colors everywhere but also because I can start wearing my boots!
I love being able to wear jeans or leggings and a big sweater and throw on any of my boots or even a fun dress with leggings and boots. Fall and winter I love to be all about comfortable & cozy & especially warm since it gets pretty chilly here in Virginia. So yes for fall my closet is full of boots, colorful scarves & lots of sweaters! Of of course pretty gloves!
Here are a few of my favorite boot looks for this year. No I don't own them all (only a few), but I do in my mind! :)

                                                  Riding Boots
(Riding boots are always big here in Virginia in Horse country, but they are big everywhere this year. Love them!)
                                                        Wedge Boots
Only a few of all of the amazing boots out there! Off to put mine on now & be out & about for the day!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Apple Festival

This past Saturday we drove over to Graves Mt for the Apple Festival. It was an absolute perfect fall day, 70 degrees, slight breeze blowing and all the beautiful fall colors around us.
I was so happy to see so many people turn out to support the festival. We got some apple cider to drink while walking around and it was so yummy!!
We visited all of the tents and of course bought lots of goodies & even bought some Christmas presents!
Of course we had to eat a funnel cake and have some of the delicious brunswick stew we had been smelling since we arrived and apple pie. We sat beside the creek and ate our lunch before going to pick out our apples.
I was sad that they didn't have any Granny Smith apples (I guess it wasn't a good year for them up here?), but there were lots of other delicious apples to choose from.
We ended up leaving with some Golden Delicious, Fuji and Red Delicious. They are all so good!
It was a perfect family day out before coming home and watching Alabama beat up on Ole Miss! Roll Tide!

Sand Art Fun

Finished product!

Funnel Cake! YUM!

Pumpkin Patch